Cora Allen-Savietta, Ph.D.
Statistical Scientist
Cora Allen-Savietta is a Statistical Scientist at Berry Consultants. She specializes in designing innovative clinical trials with adaptive sample sizes, complex primary endpoints, and flexible platform structures. She works in various medical areas, including maternal health, heart failure, and progressive neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. She’s passionate about using a Bayesian framework to incorporate previous knowledge into future trial designs. For example, she’s used natural history data to simulate realistic control patients from a disease progression model and designed a phase III trial for a new cancer treatment with dynamic borrowing of the treatment effect across different tumor types. Cora is experienced in guiding statistical discussions and supporting clinical teams through conversations with regulators. While fluent in statistical theory, she ensures that clarity is not lost in the technical detail and enjoys distilling complex ideas into clear visuals and summaries. Before joining Berry Consultants, Cora earned a Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Wisconsin, where she developed statistical methods for phylogenetics, epidemiology, and public health. Prior to graduate school, she worked at Harvard Medical School, studying medication safety and efficacy during pregnancy.