Elias Laurin Meyer, Ph.D.
Statistical Scientist
Elias Laurin Meyer is a Statistical Scientist at Berry Consultants based in Vienna, Austria. Prior to joining Berry Consultants, he worked for several years at the Medical University of Vienna, where he (co-)authored around 40 peer-reviewed publications and where his tasks and interests ranged from statistical consulting, data analysis and drafting study protocols to teaching, methodological research and statistical programming. He has gained industry experience while on secondments at Roche and Novartis and had the opportunity to participate in regulatory interactions through FDA CPIM and EMA ITF meetings related to the design and simulation of a platform trial in NASH. Prior to earning his Ph.D. in 2022 while working on the EU-PEARL project, he received a BSc and MSc in Statistics from the University of Vienna and worked as an EMT and ambulance driver. Finally, Dr. Meyer is an expert biostatistics reviewer for the Viennese Ethics Committee (IRB).