Kert Viele, Ph.D
Statistical, Medical, & Software

Kert Viele, Ph.D

Director & Senior Statistical Scientist

Kert Viele is a Director and Senior Statistical Scientist with Berry Consultants, where he leads Berry Consultants’ research enterprise. He is a leader in clinical trial implementation of Bayesian hierarchical modeling, with expertise in platform and basket trials as well as clinical trials incorporating the use of historical information. Prior to joining Berry Consultants in 2010, he was a faculty member at the University of Kentucky, where he received the Provost’s Award for Outstanding Teaching and was an investigator for NSF and NIH funded research. He has developed over 100 custom Bayesian adaptive clinical trials for clients in industry, government, and academia, and currently serves on several data safety monitoring boards for randomized clinical trials. A former editor of the journal Bayesian Analysis, Dr. Viele is also an author of FACTS (Fixed and Adaptive Clinical Trial Simulator), clinical trial simulation software currently licensed to multiple pharmaceutical, academic, and government organizations.