Peter Jacko, Ph.D.
Statistical, Medical, & Software

Peter Jacko, Ph.D.

Senior Decision Scientist

Peter Jacko is a Senior Decision Scientist for Berry Consultants. He earned his Ph.D. in Business Administration and Quantitative Methods and D.E.A. in Statistics and Operations Research from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain, and received his Mgr. and Bc. degrees in Mathematics from the Univerzita P.J. Šafárika v Košiciach, Slovakia. In addition to Berry Consultants, Dr. Jacko is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the Department of Management Science at Lancaster University, UK which he joined in 2013. Between 2009 and 2018 he was affiliated with the BCAM – Basque Center for Applied Mathematics, Spain, where he was formerly a postdoctoral fellow, researcher, co-leader, and an external scientific member in the Networks research group.

Dr. Jacko is devoted to the development of the science of the solution of problems in the design and management of complex systems such as public health processes, business decision-making, and communications networks. Much of his research work benefits from the interaction of mathematics, statistics, computing, and/or economics. The leading themes of his research activities are stochastic modelling of real problems and the design of tractable and well-performing solutions for efficient allocation of scarce resources over time. Dr. Jacko has co-authored over 30 peer-reviewed publications which have contributed to the disciplines of operational research, statistics and computer science, especially in the methodological areas of stochastic modelling, performance evaluation, optimization, and reinforcement learning. His main research line recently has been on the optimal patient-centric design of modern adaptive clinical trials, which can often be modelled as variants of the Bayesian multi-armed bandit problems.