Pravin Madhavan
Statistical, Medical, & Software

Pravin Madhavan

Senior Software Engineer

Pravin Madhavan is a Senior Software Engineer for Berry Consultants, where he is responsible for the development of the UI components of FACTS (Fixed and Adaptive Clinical Trial Simulator). He earned his Ph.D and B.Sc. in Mathematics from the University of Warwick and his M.Sc. in Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing from the University of Oxford. His Ph.D. research focused on developing and implementing efficient computational methods for partial differential equations on complex surfaces. He has authored several papers in high impact peer reviewed journals within this field. Prior to joining Berry Consultants, he was an analyst programmer at Tessella Ltd. (an international data science, analytics and AI technology consulting services provider) and a full-stack software developer at Enable International Ltd (a software product development and trading partner collaboration solutions provider).